Category Archives: Adoption

Twist in the plot

In an unexpected plot twist for our crazy story, we are now on the path to become foster parents! Honestly never thought we would ever consider this path but as The Lord leads, we follow.
We also have our home study on a fast track. This includes spending most of our spare time gathering paperwork, getting the room ready (moving all the “catch all” items out), and getting all the random ducks in a row… All the while doing foster care classes and homework for DCS.
We met last week with our lovely case worker for our home study and have one more meeting to schedule with her!
Dad always said, “if God gives you a door, push on it and see what happens”. So we are pushing and waiting to see what The Lord does.

Life Happens

So we are trying to finish our list of “needs to get done before our home study”… With our schedules and finances, it seems to be taking forever. But it will be worth it!

We have decided to begin with a domestic adoption process. But as soon as we get that going, we will also be starting an international home study. We want to adopt a young child from Ethiopia. As we were talking and praying about this process, Ethiopia has become a passion. For me, (Shontel), East Africa is HOME. It just makes sense.

As for the domestic, we are simply hoping that the Lord brings us the child that we are meant to raise. We do not care about race, as skin color makes no difference to us. We are adopting. We do not need a child with our eyes or hair or who even remotely looks like us. *smile* We are honestly hoping for a crazy colorful family.

So now it’s time to start raising money for the home studies and adoptions!!

No Decision Yet

We are still praying on domestic vs. international. Honestly, we will probably end up doing both but which first?

Have been communicating with our case worker for our home study and it appears that most international adoptions are a 3-4 year wait. Seriously.

Our heart has always been international. But does it have to take so long when there are orphans all over the world waiting for parents? Why is it so difficult just trying to become a mommy and daddy to one of these precious ones?

Domestic is a wonderful option as well, but there are factors in domestic that international adoption just does not have. With local adoption, you can be all set to adopt a baby and the birth mother can change her mind. We must be prepared for that event but after the loss we have already had, it is difficult to be ready for a moment like that.

On a side note, Espresso had a procedure this week… He does not like the cone of shame. *smile*

not happy puppy

Baby Steps

We officially have a social worker!

Now we begin the process of a home study. This process will take several weeks to complete. We must get physicals, update the pugs’ vet records, get recommendations from others, prepare our financial records, raise the money for the home study… trying to make a list.

Was able to chat with a great friend this week who has already trudged this trail. She has the most beautiful 15 month old little girl that she and her husband were able to adopt and bring home from the hospital. It was so encouraging and eye-opening to talk to another mom who truly understands the craziness we are facing.

Next decision: International or Domestic adoption.

Roller Coaster Ride

Adoption is CONFUSING. Seriously.

So many options, so many agencies, so many directions… so many children who need homes.

Hope is followed by fear. Fear is replaced by worry. Worry moves over for excitement. Excitement falls to frustration. Frustration is removed by faith. Faith brings hope. And then we go again. A roller coaster if there ever was one.

But we walk. There is a light at the end of this tunnel. And it will be worth it!

We have officially applied to a non-profit company that aids those trudging through all the craziness that is adoption. They will set us up with a case worker and then… well, I’m not sure exactly what happens next but we will see! *smile*

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

Reality Check

Beginnings are scary.

The first step of a journey is always exciting, but as we begin this new path, there are also many fears that come into play.

Will we be good parents?

How will we ever be able to afford adoption?

How long will this process take?

What if our child doesn’t like us?

But then must we remind ourselves: What the Lord begins, He will finish.

He will teach us to be the parents we need to be.  He will provide the funds for our adoption. He is in charge of the timetable (He already has taught us this one time and time again in this journey so far.) And He has chosen our child for us. The one that we are supposed to raise. He will mold us and prepare us through this path to parenthood. We just have to trust and take the steps one at a time.

Step one: Submit our application.

One thing at a time.

“being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete [it] until the day of Jesus Christ;” Phil 1:6

So it begins

Five years.

This road we never imagined we would walk. Jagged and full of potholes. Painful and long. Hopeful and depressing. The journey to parenthood.

We thought, like everyone else, that becoming a parent would be easy. No instruction manual needed. How wrong we were. “Infertility” should be a four-letter word.

Five years. Four babies in heaven. No real answers.

We had always wanted to adopt. Adoption was never a “second-rate” decision for us. We simply thought it would be something we did later down the line.

Then the mounds of paperwork and cost stopped us in our tracks. But the call to adopt has become too strong to ignore. So if the Lord wants us to adopt, we will have to trust Him to provide the way.

So it begins. This is the start of a new journey. The road to adoption will most likely be filled with potholes and obstacles and pain like the journey of infertility was… but it also has HOPE.

” In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, [being] much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 1:6-7