Tag Archives: Loss

No Decision Yet

We are still praying on domestic vs. international. Honestly, we will probably end up doing both but which first?

Have been communicating with our case worker for our home study and it appears that most international adoptions are a 3-4 year wait. Seriously.

Our heart has always been international. But does it have to take so long when there are orphans all over the world waiting for parents? Why is it so difficult just trying to become a mommy and daddy to one of these precious ones?

Domestic is a wonderful option as well, but there are factors in domestic that international adoption just does not have. With local adoption, you can be all set to adopt a baby and the birth mother can change her mind. We must be prepared for that event but after the loss we have already had, it is difficult to be ready for a moment like that.

On a side note, Espresso had a procedure this week… He does not like the cone of shame. *smile*

not happy puppy